Monday 12 November 2012

Hair feathers inspiration... 

This image is quite funky because the colour used make it look really cool,  its all metallic and shinny and even the twigs are metallic. It looks like fuller-earth has been used on the hair and it is all sleeked down and then it has been spayed with metallic colours. 

I like this headpiece because it is different to all the other because it goes around the back of the head then the front, this makes the make up seem the main focus and then having the feathers in the background where as having the feathers off the forehead could make the hair the main focus point. 

I really like this image she has quite an over the top hairstyle and then also has the feathered hair piece. I  really like how the hair looks like there are horns coming out of her head, it fits in well with the tribal theme. I also like how there are strings of feathers hanging down, because they come quite far down the sit on the shoulders and looks like they are also a part of and accessory around the neck. 

I like this image, even though the hair is really plain, there is a good use of accessories which make this image fit into the tribal theme. For example the the feathers which are on her shoulders it looks as if its a jewellery which only goes around the shoulders, it also has the chains coming down from it which gives it a nice effect. I think because she isn't wearing a lot of clothing it turns the focus to the feathers which are coming out of her shoulders. I also think the main focus is the feathers because she is wearing really neutral tones. 

This image is has a lot of colour to it, its not like the other images where  they have used neutral toned feathers, this feathers are quite bright, they also have a tassel hanging off of it. I like the fact that the hair is sleeked all back and then the feathers have been added on at the end of the hair, it creates a nice shape. 

When researching into hair style's I came across  a lot of images which used feathers. After seeing this I decided that I want to use feathers and twigs coming out of my models hair and maybe as accessories coming off the model shoulders. I had also thought about buying or making a headpiece that would go around the head with a sort of hairband going around this would be made up from bright colours. After researching into hair up and tribal themed hair styles, i have decided that I am going to use chicken wire in my models hair, to create a shape with it and then I am going to wrap the hair around the chicken wire and have the feathers and twigs coming out of headpiece or have the feathers around the chicken wire. I also want to add some colour into the hair so I will use some hair extensions to create shapes and patterns, I can do this by plaiting the hair. 

Author: Hair secret 4hairgrain 'Tribal Hair Styles for Fashion' July 6, 2012 [viewed 12th January 2013] Available from:!prettyPhoto

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