Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Maori tribe and Scarification...

Some scars are seen as 'document' of someone's life as it is showing stages of there life. They can also be seen as decoration of a person's social status. However a lot of scars have a medical meaning behind them. For example some people do it to give blood, Nuba women do scarification around the eyes and temples because they believe that it relieves headaches.

Maori tribe....
To create a Maori tattoo, they use an Oceania needle comb for the body. However when tattooing on the face they use a chisel-like tool. The people who do the tattooing are called 'Touhnuga-ta-moko', you are allowed to have the tattoo's done after you have reached puberty, the tattoo's take a long time to complete and it can be a very painful process too. There are certain rule with in the tribe, for example women are not allowed to have there foreheads or chins tattooed. The Maori tribe also see having a red lips mouth is ugly, so the women were allowed to get there lips tattooed as it turns the lips a blueish colour. There are religious meaning's behind the Maori tribe, the tribes also 'use wooden figures of God's'. in the palisades villages the guards are all tattooed and even the weapons have spiral patterns on them to indicate the Maori tribe. 

Reference- Book 'Decorated skin- A Wold survey of body art- Karl Groning, Thames & Hudson'

Accessorizes and clothes...
This is an image of a Samo man, from West Papua New Guinea. the reason for him being dressed like this is because he was a lead dancer at the Hobora ceremony. The Hobora ceremony is to show that he has powers of healing. To create the costume he is wearing a lot of materials are used such as nose pegs, feathers, headdress of dog's teeth. 

There are other examples of the Hobora ceremony. I really like the headpieces that they use, these images have inspired me to use feathers in my catwalk shoot. 
(Reference- Book Decorated Skin- A world survey of body art by Karl Groning, Thames& Hudson Page 73)

Examples of clothes that my model could wear... 

I like this garment of clothing because, I think the patterns and colours used resemble tribalism. There is also use of different material on the clothing. For example there is metal, wool, knitting tassels and strings.

Reference- book- '200 projects to get you into fashion design- Adrian Grandon & Tracy Fitzgera.'

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