Tuesday 9 October 2012

Research into editorial looks-

Michael's tribal inspired editorial 

Michael's Tribal inspired editorial- I really like the  colours used to create the shapes on the body, the shapes also remind a little bit of the Rodarte patterns that were used. If I was to do a look like this I could use my Mac lip-mix set as the colours are very bright and would stand out. I also really like the head piece as well, I think that this look is a tribal look which has been made contemporary.

Fashion editoral-Blackboxartistry- I like the hair style in this image, I really like how the hairs all sleeked back and then the top part of the hair is really bold and stand out  with different colours and textures. 

'Lion's Breath'- Tribal Editorial of D Mode magazine.
Stylist- Lauren Ossorio
Make-up artist- Bryan Zaragoza
Hair-Brain Buenaventura
I like this image because there is a lot of colour in the image and certain parts of the image which stand our for example her tongue stands out because you would have expected her tongue to be pink but its white, the top of her ears are also white. The image is very colourful on a whole and all the colours used remind me of tribalism. I also like how the hair matches her top and the necklace matches the hairband. 
Make up artist-Yvonne Nusdorfer
Zink magazine

Make up artist-Yvonne Nusdorfer
Zink magazine
Used in the Whitney EVE collection

In this image I like how the hair is hidden and there is use of accessorize on it instead. I like how the make up is is bold but it's not florescent bold it is quite a neutral tone.  

1 comment:

  1. Again, wonderful images but you need to put them in context by including images that are of original tribes.

    Have you been to the library to select appropriate books yet? This will give you a more original approach rather than using images from the internet. You will also find the text that accompanies the text informative and useful.
