Thursday 25 October 2012

Films with tribalism 

The gold cuffs around his wrist remind me of the triabl theme, the also have shapes and patterns on them which make it more tribal themed. 

I like the trousers he is wearing and the accessorizes around them, the trousers are gold and patterned and the on his waist there are beads on it and I also think the red part around his neck, this could easily be done by using my supra palette and making tape to create the shape. 
Again I love the colours and brightness which has been used in these images. 
Feathers and mask, tribal patterns

I love the bright colours in the costumes they really stand out and the colours relate to the tribal theme. The loins head piece also has relevance to the tribal theme because there is feathers coming off of the lions head.  
I really like this image because I think her make up looks amazing. The make up looks  a little bit like a mask on her face the colours are so bold and bright they really stand out. I also really like the necklace she is wearing all the layers of beads make the necklace thick and chunky. 

This video has a lot of tribalism in it, the colours used are bright and really and stand out a lot.  The clothes and accessories used have a lot of patterns, which relate to tribalism, they also have a lot of feathers in the hair and also on the clothes and masks. The jewellery around the neck again is very bright; they use colours such as red, blue yellow and orange. Some tribes say that the necklaces are seen a symbol of girls getting married as they have to have a certain amount of necklace’s around there neck’s and when there are enough to hold there neck up they are able to get proposed to by there admirer’s.

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