Face charts and body work Catwalk finals....
I experimented with red, yellow. orange, blue and purple. However i felt as if the colours were to dull I wanted them to stand out more. |
This is the final image and colours I will be using for my catwalk look. I think all the colour's have worked well as they all stand out a lot as the a bright and bold colours. I am going to use my Mac mix-lip to create this look. |
Here I experimented with Rodarte with different colours. I used my Mac lip-mix as the colour's are very bright. I have picked red green and yellow because I think these colours represent tribalism the most. |
I would paint the whole arm red, with my Mac red lip-mix and go over it with purple to create all the different shapes again I would use masking tape to make the lines strong and bold. |
Here I would paint all of the arm yellow and go over the shapes in green I would go over the black bits of the arm as well. Again I would use my Mac lip-mix to create these patterns. |
Here I experimented with Rodarte and Maori patterns on the arm. I did one
are with just the black colour, I would use my black Supra palette to create this look. With the other
arm I used my Gold Illasmaqua liquid metal as a base coat, I then drew on possible idea's that i could use for rodarte on the arm, I again would use my black supra colour. If the the black is not sharp enough I would use
my Mac black lip-mix. |
I drew this face template, with the Maori tribe as an inspiration. I would start off by applying my Illamasqua liquid foundation as a base on the skin. I then would draw the lines on the head with my Supra palette. For the eyebrow's I am going to block them out and redraw them on to make them look as if they are fluffy. With the lips I was going to do a really bold thick lip liner and then do a a lighter shade of pink on the lips. Around the edges of the face I would draw on patterns with my Supra palette.
With the hair I wanted to sleek all the hair back into a ponytail and then add a bigger polystyrene ball at the bottom of the hair near the hair band. I would then wrap some red crepe hair around the hair band to cover it up. Then add a smaller ball on top and then use green crepe hair and create a loop. |
f |
This is a mid length image idea of what i could do for my catwalk look. For the hair I want to sleek the hair back and stick it into a bun. Then i wanted to use either a ponytail or an extension and wrap different colours of crepe hair into it. to make it stand out and look more tribal. I wanted to do a plan make up look as the arms will look quite busy. With the make up I would use my illmasaqua liquid foundation, and pink blusher on the cheeks. I want to block out the eyebrows and re-draw them making them look fluffy/ thick and hairy. With the eyes I would use a plain blue eyeshadow. Again with the lips I would use a darker lip liner and then a light lipstick. I wanted to buy feathered earring's to go with the tribal theme. With the arm's I would use masking tape, to make sure that I have a neat and sharp line. I would use my suprea palette to create these lines on the arms. |
Here is an image could be my finally look. I want my model to have the rodarte down her arms, and have a feathered sleeve on her shoulder's. I want her to wear a black boob-tube top so that the arms are the main focus. The skirt is made from feathers which also add to the tribal theme. With the hair I want to do what i did with the first image where I used the two polystyrene balls and then used crepe hair to wrap it around the hairbands.I did a hair trial of this and I found it very hard to keep the polystyrene balls to stay up. I found a solution of sticking a knitting needle to keep the polystyrene balls up right. With the make-up I wanted to keep it plan and simple so I am going to use my Illamasqua liquid foundation and pink blusher on the cheeks and use a really bold lipstick to make the lips stand out. Also to add a bit of colour I thought I would use some red earrings in the shape of square's. |
With this image I wanted to experiment with a bit of colour with the Rodarte. So I decided to use my black suprea palette and my Gold Illamasqua liquid metal. I thought this might stand out a bit more. Again I would use masking tape to make the lines sharp. I would use a feather sleeve to put around the shoulder's. Again with the make up I want to keep it simply so I've decided I want to use my Illamasqua liquid foundation and pink illamasqua blusher. for the eyes I want to use my White prescion Illamasqua eyeliner. And have a really dark and bold lipstick. |
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